Man Cave is a Great Place for a Football Party

It’s football season again! Your friends want to chill out at your Man Cave every weekend for college and pro football games. Can you imagine how cool it’ll be? All your friends hanging around, lots of different chips, and everyone enjoying the pregame show. Look around. This little building might’ve once been your run-of-the-mill storage shed, but no more. Ever since your sweetie pie turned it into a Man Cave, you’ve got Game Day Central! Excitement fills the air as your buddies yell back at the TV and talk smack about the players and teams. You know it’s going to be another great day at the Man Cave.
But what should you do to get ready for the game?
Being the uber-macho man that you are, you’ve got priorities. It’s all about the grill. Drag that beast over to the Man Cave and have the gas tank refilled. You’re gonna need plenty of cooking power for burgers, onions-n-sausages, wings and jalapeño poppers. Get the grilling tools ready. This is gonna be awesome!
Next item on the list? The beverages, of course. You’ll definitely need ice. Get your biggest camping cooler prepped. Oh, and solo cups.
Your significant other will take over decorating for the party. Chances are she’ll want to frame that signed jersey, your pride and joy that bears the team’s colors. It’ll look great! Ask her to pick up one of those glass heads at the craft store to display the helmet, too.
Manly Tip #1: When she comes in with colored garland for the game, use small screw-in hooks to hang it. Come Christmastime, when she drags out twinkle lights, you’re ready to go.
It won’t be long before all your friends start arriving for the party. Once they’re there, everything will automatically fall into place. Are they hungry? There’s meat on the grill. Thirsty? Grab a cold one from the cooler. Tired after working all day? There’s a folding chair with their name on it.
Manly Tip #2: Tell your friends BYOC. Bring your own chair. This works for meat and drinks as well.
There just isn’t that much to worry about when hosting a football party at your Man Cave. Heck, even if you don’t have a storage shed to turn into a Man Cave you can make it happen anyway. It’s easy. Order one from Carolina Storage Solutions now, and it’ll be delivered to your prepared site just in time.
Manly Tip #3: Invite your friend, the electrician, to the first party so he can have it hooked up in time. Boom!
Football party at the Man Cave? Brang it! We’ve got you covered. Give us a call today!
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