Winterize Your Storage Shed

With the onset of cooler autumn weather, now is the time to winterize your storage shed or storage barns. Although there are no rules chiseled in stone for ensuring your shed can handle winter’s temperatures, there’s more to it than cleaning and reorganizing the tools inside it.
If possible, take everything out and clean the shed. You can do a lot with a shop vac or broom, and a bottle of window cleaner. It might be easier to move stuff to one wall, clean the cleared one, then repeat on the other side. Check for wall and roof cracks while everything is out of the way and you can see clearly. (Water leaks usually show up as dark water stains inside.) Patch the building as needed. Now is the time to handle insect or rodent issues, too.
Inspect the roof and exterior walls, as well as the foundation. Don’t put off repairs because winter will only make it worse. If you have a power washer, you might want to wash the building. Be careful about using too much force, however, which can really damage the surface. Does the shed need to be repainted? This is a perfect DIY project. Not your cup of tea? Call a professional painter for a quote and get it scheduled while it’s still warm. The new layer of paint will help protect it not just this winter, but next year as well.
Weather stripping may need to be replaced or added, especially if you use your shed year-round for hobbies, as a Man Cave or She Shed, etc. Insulating the walls is relatively simple, yet makes a huge difference in the comfort level while you’re in there working on your projects.
If you have an electric wall heater make sure it’s running correctly, properly vented and not covered with storage things. Heat sources are generally inappropriate for yard tool storage because of fire hazards from gas and fumes.
Winter is right around the corner. Now is the time to spend a day getting your storage shed or prefabricated barn ready for the bitter cold headed our way. A day now spent on your shed will prevent even more cleaning and maintenance in the spring.
For more maintenance tips on your modular storage shed or barn, check out our website. Carolina Storage Solutions is the area’s first choice for quality storage sheds. Give us a call for more information!
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